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    Why email marketing should be the cornerstone of your digital strategy

    In today’s growing digital world, everyone relies on a variety of channels as a means of communication, education, entertainment, and shopping. However, depending on your target demographic, the amount of time spent online varies, giving even more opportunities for marketers to reach their audiences through digital strategies. That being said, a business can only invest in tactful strategies that keep revenue coming in, and since some digital marketing efforts take time before they start to make money, many rely on email marketing as a crucial cornerstone in their digital strategy. Let’s break it down.

    What is email marketing? 

    Email marketing is the act of sending a mass message to a group or list of contacts through email. While most emails are sent to incentivize potential and current customers to make a quick purchase, some include business updates, industry announcements, and inventory restocks. While many business owners successfully formulate and send their own e-newsletters, most utilize professional email marketing services to help them create click-worthy content that attracts their target audience.  

    What are the advantages of email marketing? 

    While every digital marketing tactic has its own advantages, if we had to pick one that brings the most business value, it would be email marketing. Why? Well, email marketing offers an unbeatable return-on-investment (ROI) when compared to other types of marketing channels. That being said, while email marketing gives consumers less opportunity for engagement, it does offer business owners the opportunity to connect and grow with their audience, while tweaking their approach based on clicks and views. 

    Why you should sign up for email marketing services

    You wouldn’t attempt to repair your vehicle’s engine without the right set of knowledge and skills to put everything back together in working order, would you? The same rule applies to your company’s email marketing. As a top contributor to the success of your business’s digital strategy, here are some reasons why email marketing is worth the investment.

    • Email offers great return-on-investment
    • Email allows business owners to incorporate other marketing techniques (ex. social platforms)
    • Email allows you to connect with larger audiences all at once
    • Emails possess a longer lifespan than most social posts
    • Email is a great way to tailor content to new and existing customers

    Are you ready to launch ongoing email campaigns and start collecting valuable customer data? Drop a comment below to share with other readers.

    These marketing tactics will help you to build your law business

    In a world where we are constantly finding new ways of doing things, like providing legal assistance, you must adapt your strategy to find new clients and meet the needs of those returning for your services. Digital marketing has continued to be useful for businesses in the modern age, which is why we’ve listed four marketing tactics that your law firm needs below.  

    Put effort into branding 

    While there are many ways to improve your digital marketing efforts, all avenues lead back to building a brand that clients know and trust. Without strong branding, people will be reluctant to consider your company in their search for legal guidance. That being said, when we refer to branding, we aren’t just referencing your company logo. Branding is a collective impact or lasting impression that’s seen, heard, or experienced by the consumer who has come into contact with your business and its products or services. In managing your branding, you have the power to create the effect passed onto your current and future customers. 

    Since most people don’t have experience searching for lawyers, and there are likely many firms in your area, it’s important to use digital branding as your way to set yourself apart from the competition.

    Optimize your practice’s pages

    Since law firms can specialize in a different area of law, all of your companies’ services must be covered on the website with seamless accessibility for all users. 

    Whether you need help creating content or are hoping to find out more about local SEO services and how they optimize your website for faster viewing, we recommend that you start by making a budget, setting some business goals, and researching how SEO-friendly copy will help you to bring in the traffic you need. 

    *Keep in mind that if your law firm services more areas than your immediate location, you will need to use location keywords to offer you the best chance of ranking high for more terms. 

    Keep up with the content

    No matter what type of legal advice prospecting clients are searching for, aside from relying on the word-of-mouth of their peers, most people will first research before they settle on a firm. Since creeping your Google search ranking and expanding your company reviews are both ways to help people land on your brand, you need to be prepared to show them what you’re made of. 

    Producing professional, informative content is a great way to advertise to potential clients that you’re knowledgeable about your field and willing to answer any questions they may have before committing to work with you. To ensure that you answer all of the right questions, consider local SEO services to be sure your content offers the best resources.

    Harness the power of email marketing

    When you’re looking to expand your law business, it’s important to keep in touch with your current clients and potential customers as much as you can. By getting started with email marketing, you can be sure that you’re staying in their minds and continue to offer support through the distribution of free e-content.

    Once you become comfortable with your email strategy, whether you’re doing it on your own or seeking assistance from a professional digital marketing company, you can segment your email list into groups to cater to customers at different stages (ex. Returning clients, new customers, or those needing more information on your services). This will ensure that your emails are more likely to reach the right people with relevant, important updates about your law firm. 

    Which of the above marketing tactics is the most promising option for your law firm? Drop a comment below to share with our readers. 

    Have you considered podcasting as part of your content marketing strategy?

    In a world full of businesses looking to make their mark, a well-developed content marketing strategy is essential for reaching and converting a prospective audience. The modern informational age has been ramping up for quite some time, and while delivering content regularly is the gold standard, consumers also expect that content to be available in a variety of formats, with the option to select the method that best connects them with your brand. So, if you want current and future customers to hear your entrepreneurial “voice”, be sure to consider using podcasting as part of your content marketing strategy. 

    Consumers are always looking for ways to reach new content quickly and conveniently

    While you may already have some working methods in place for reaching your target market, depending on the demographics of your ideal consumer, you may also want to consider how they will best engage with your industry. Although some people prefer to sit down and read their content, others enjoy on-the-go convenience, especially if they’re auditory learners. So, all this considered, a podcast possesses the potential to deliver your messages more quickly and conveniently for some, allowing the consumer to absorb your content by listening to your podcasts in the car, while exercising, or during their downtime. Aside from being a quick and convenient content marketing strategy for listeners, it’s also minimalistic, allowing consumers the ability to listen even when they feel mentally drained after a long day. Plus, since podcasting is usually orchestrated and placed together with consequential episodes, it’s a great way to take complex concepts and strategies and slowly teach them over time in ways that help make them easier to understand. 

    Audio content is far easier for business owners to create

    Unless you’re a professional writer, creating good quality written content takes a lot of time and a good amount of energy. This not-so-easy vice is oftentimes a struggle for e-commerce business owners for a variety of reasons—language barriers, low confidence in their writing skills, or lack of time. However, creating a podcast episode—or any auditory content in general—is far quicker, as you simply need to lay out a quick script, or if you’re confident in the topic, wing it by speaking into a microphone or some headphones. Aside from a bit of editing, creating podcast episodes will allow you to produce a whole lot of content in a fraction of the time it would take to write out and publish that same content. This is a great way to free up your spare time for other tasks that will help to build up your business and content marketing strategy overall. 

    Podcast content is diverse and can be repurposed into other content and formats

    While many types of podcast episodes are accessible through iTunes or other podcast players, your auditory creation can also be repurposed and inserted into a blog post, social media post, or newsletter. A great content marketing strategy is all about producing the most amount of content with the smallest amount of effort, so we also recommend repurposing your podcasts so that they can be delivered through other digital marketing efforts, heightening the chance of your reaching your ideal consumer. Since your audience likely uses multiple channels, it’s beneficial to formulate your content to be sent out on all types of mediums. This offers the greatest opportunity for your brand to connect with customers and utilize your curated content to nurture brand presence, which adds value to your business and those who buy your products or services. 

    Are there other reasons that podcasting belongs in your content marketing strategy? Drop a comment below to share with our readers.

    How to successfully market for vape companies

    Since there are strict regulations that reduce the options available for digital advertising on vape products, you aren’t able to pay to get ahead on organic searches or to appear on the feeds of popular social media channels. So, whether you’re an e-cig business looking to increase your online presence or a digital marketing agency hoping to add a new industry to their portfolio of expertise, continue reading to learn about how to successfully optimize an e-cig website to market to the masses. 

    Invest in a search engine optimization service 

    For those that don’t know, a professional search engine optimization service should include the following elements: website structure analysis, content analysis, website code optimization, onsite content, and other off-page factors. While there is a lot of work that can be done over time with this service, we recommend heavily investing in the optimization of the online store so that it can appear high in organic searches. This would include keyword research and ensuring that all of the content is unique to elevate the shopping experience. 

    As a starter, here are some popular current keywords for the vape industry: 

    • e-cigs
    • electronic cigarettes
    • Vapors
    • vaper
    • Vaping
    • ejuice/e-juice
    • eliquid/e-liquid
    • vaporizers
    • electronic vaporizer

    Ensure the company has a Facebook page

    Just because the type of vape-related content that can be posted is quite limited, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have a company page to regularly post content and engage with your/your client’s followers. Since it can be challenging at times to come up with posts that boost a brand while following Facebook guidelines on prohibited content, you can consider utilizing this channel as a means of connecting to customer’s hobbies and interests while also maintaining a presence that can be engaging through polls, giveaways, and discussions. After all, just because Facebook may not want to take money to advertise vaping, it doesn’t mean they have banned the discussion altogether. 

    While you’re at it, be sure to join e-cig related discussion groups as another means of promoting the online shop strategically avoiding an outright promotional post.

    There are also Reddit communities for vaping

    As another branch of social media marketing, you or your digital marketing team can join a vape-related subreddit to spread awareness of vape culture and perhaps spark a discussion about your flavours or e-cig gear. 

    Here are some popular forums that are active: 

     Opt for email marketing 

    Email marketing remains to be a paramount digital marketing tactic spanning a variety of niche industries. So, whether your business or client is excited about sending informative content or wants to use e-newsletters as a method for offering discounts, you will need to start by building a list and encouraging social followers and current customers to subscribe using their emails. 

    Whatever digital marketing tactics you use, it’s important to get closer to your audience if you hope to grow your business. Are you ready to speak with a digital marketing agency that has experience working with vape companies? 

    What other ways have you found success digitally marketing e-cig businesses? Please share your expertise in the comments section below.

    The pros and cons of outsourcing your digital marketing project

    Targeting the growth of your e-commerce business should be an essential part of your online marketing strategy, especially in these unprecedented times. If you’ve resorted to Googling “outsourcing digital marketing in Vancouver”, know that you aren’t alone. Many business owners are on the hunt for ways to get ahead of their competition, and to help you make the best business decision, it’s important to know if the benefits outweigh the risks. 

    How to determine if outsourcing is for you

    Outsourcing your digital marketing is when you use a third party to create content or perform marketing services on behalf of your brand to promote the growth of your business. This could include writing copy, blog management, creating social media posts, producing custom video content, constructing lead magnets, designing ads, managing pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, setting up Facebook ads, and managing your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. While these are a few examples of what types of services you can outsource, there will always be options for more assistance elsewhere. 

    What are some pros of outsourcing digital marketing?

    Do you or your employees possess any hands-on digital marketing experience that could be advantageous in the implementation of future strategies? If not, here are some reasons to consider outsourcing digital marketing, especially in competitive marketplaces like the city of Vancouver.

    • Expertise: Whether you select an agency or a freelancer to be a part of your team, someone with expertise in the digital marketing field will know of ways to get things done more efficiently and effectively.
    • Money savings: While you may think paying someone to perform a service costs too much, it’s important to remember that if you lack the skills needed to get traffic to your website, you won’t be making any money to begin with. Consider the person you hire as an investment. The best part is that most agencies offer hours-based packages to allow you to start small and add more time as your business grows. 
    • Accessibility to multiple services: While this benefit may be achievable with the right freelancer, often the ability to subscribe to multiple digital marketing services can only be found within an agency. Outsourcing digital marketing in Vancouver gives business owners the power to access an entire team of staff that through collaborative efforts will provide your e-commerce brand with a menu of options to increase conversions. 
    • Frees up your time: By relying on experts to get your online marketing tasks done you have more time to dedicate to other aspects of running your business. 

    What are some cons of outsourcing digital marketing?

    Depending on how you measure your businesses’ success, it may be best to keep some of your digital marketing efforts in-house. For that reason, here are some examples of why you may want to not outsource all of your digital marketing services.

    • Fear of brand consistency issues: Every business creates values and a reputation over time, which can make it difficult to feel comfortable passing the reins to someone that doesn’t live and breathe every aspect of your brand. 
    • You won’t have 100% control of all timelines: While services like blogging, email marketing, and social media possess the ability to formulate strict posting schedules, other efforts like SEO and PPC advertising can take more time to show their value, and if you’re using a freelancer for any of the above tasks, you will need to remember that their ability to rearrange other commitments to prioritize you might not always be possible.
    • Not as much freedom to offer a personal touch: Small businesses build their brand on connecting with their customers, and while outsourcing gives you access to so many amazing resources, mastering the tone and voice you’ve envisioned may take time for other people to covet. 

    In our professional opinion, none of the above cons possess any inabilities inhibiting them from being overcome. Especially through the use of proper implementation and communication by outsourcing to the right digital marketing company in Vancouver.

    Do you possess any other questions or concerns about outsourcing? Please drop them below for a speedy reply.

    Marketing tips for St. Patrick’s Day procrastinators

    Has so much gone on in the past year that St. Patrick’s Day opportunities have slipped your mind? Yup, the holiday season is tomorrow and this reminder could be your four-leaf clover, and an incentive to get your gears moving. Don’t drown this missed business moment in a pint of green beer, but instead, skim the marketing ideas below which are intended to inspire the ultimate procrastinator. That’s right! We’re more than a Vancouver digital marketing agency; Trek Marketing is downright festive every lucky chance we get!

    Offer your customers the green light with an intriguing discount 

    The beauty of being an e-commerce business owner is that you can change your website’s prices at the click of a button, while also promoting immediate attention via your engaging social media channels. So, just because tomorrow is St. Patrick’s Day, doesn’t mean you can’t catch the attention of your target audience by putting together a last-minute sale. Also, be sure to let your customers know that they’re lucky to be a part of your thriving brand with a personable email about this fun holiday, including some highlighted products or services that are a part of your festive sale. 

    Play up the greenness 

    Whether you work alongside a Vancouver digital marketing agency or all of your efforts are completed in-house, one of the best ways you can showcase your spirit for St. Patrick’s Day is by playing up the greenness. While it would be ideal to have a web developer add a graphic or two to your business page, if you let time slip away and are wanting to do something last-minute, the best thing you can get on board with are some custom designs. The best part is that the same image can be used across your social media channels and if you’re set up with an email marketing framework, a simple announcement about your sale with some call-to-action buttons is all you need to bring in some shoppers. 

    Note: Just because the colour green is symbolic of St. Patrick’s Day, doesn’t mean you need to have a leprechaun and a pot of gold on your image. Instead, you could use the colour green to cast attention on the holiday, while also promoting your businesses’ eco-conscious (green) efforts. 

    It’s always good to do things a little differently

    Although the season is known for shamrocks and leprechauns, you can be different by leaving these elements out of your marketing material. In fact, consider doing a little research on the history of St. Patrick’s Day and use your digital marketing services to pass on your knowledge to your customers. It’s way less salesy, and even though it might not bring in a whole of conversions right away, this type of promotion is aimed at creating a connection with your audience, which you may find to be more “pot o’ gold” effective in the long-run than a traditional sale. 

    What other ways do you or your Vancouver digital marketing agency implement last-minute, seasonal promotions? Drop a comment below to share your expertise with our readers.

    5 tips for how to proofread like a pro

    Proofreading is an essential skill that many talented writers working at digital marketing agencies in Vancouver have, ensuring their client’s messages are communicated clearly, effectively, and professionally. While spelling and grammar tools are valuable as backups for business owners, it’s important for the person writing to thoroughly review their written content before anything is published live for the consumer world to see. Since many business owners are passionate about their products and often busy handling other affairs, they rely on the professional services of Trek Marketing to plan and create their content for them. Needless to say, we do possess clients that are aspiring writers themselves, and since today is National Proofreading Day, we have some tips for those who want to challenge their skills. 

    Tip #1: Be sure to read your writing out loud 

    Reading written content out loud is extra beneficial in the proofreading process because hearing the words can help you to find missing or misspelled words. Even the best writers will regularly read through their work as a benefit to the writing process. Not only will this technique help you in catching unnecessary phrases, but it will also allow you to create coherence in your writing, find your voice, and become a better reader and writer overall. 

    Tip #2: Change the way you look at your writing 

    Even the most proficient writers working at digital marketing agencies in Vancouver and beyond should take hold of an opportunity to revamp the way they analyze their writing. In fact, when re-reading the same types of content on the same types of platforms, it’s quite easy to glaze over simple mistakes, especially if proofreading is an essential role in your day-to-day job. As a way to combat this, try printing out the document, or conversely, open it on your desktop. Sometimes even changing the font or colour of your text is enough to visually alter the copy to make you more aware of mistakes that are slipping through. 

    Tips #3: Check for a variety of elements when proofreading

    Until your writing has been published it’s considered to be in its drafting stage, and there are an assortment of components that you could be looking for, aside from spelling mistakes and grammatical correctness. For example, you could fact-check your work to ensure that the proper names, dates, numbers, and resources were used to create the content. Once all of the above details are verified, you also want to read your work again to ensure that the overall flow of the writing is meaningful, systematic, and comprehensible. By splitting up what you’re looking for each time you proofread, it’s far easier to focus on an individual aspect and catch the little mistakes. 

    Tip #4: Ensure that any keywords and phrases you use are correct

    Novice writers heavily rely on their thesaurus to write a good piece of content, however, they should also remember to keep the dictionary closeby. Many words in the English language are interchangeable in their meanings, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are the best words to use in a particular writing project. This is especially true for longer documents. While you may want to get creative to avoid using the same words over and over, you also want to ensure that these changes don’t affect the meaning of the copy. 

    Keep in mind that sometimes consistent use is beneficial, especially if you’re an e-commerce business trying to get noticed on the wide web. Digital marketing agencies in Vancouver focus on a list of key terms as part of their search engine optimization service and create custom content to help your business rank better on popular search engines.

    Tip #5: Edit and read your work with a fresh set of eyes

    If you’re reading through your content and can’t seem to find any mistakes, chances are that you’re too tired to catch them. We recommend that you take a break between long proofreading rounds and switch between tasks, giving yourself some time to focus on something different and taking advantage of looking at your work again at a later time. Be sure to utilize this time and plan in advance so that you can include these breaks, yet still have enough time to make any changes before your upcoming deadlines. Alternatively, pass your work off to a friend or colleague to allow them to review your content for errors or edits missed. 

    Do you have any proofreading tips that you’d like to share with our readers? Drop them in the comment section below. 

    6 digital ways to improve real estate in a booming market

    In the last year, the global coronavirus pandemic has shattered world economies, yet the real estate market has prospered despite job loss due to stay-at-home orders. While low-interest rates seem to be one of the driving factors keeping the housing market afloat, the extremely tight supply of homes is also a reason for the high demand. Needless to say, in this seller’s market, there are a variety of ways that digital marketing is improving the real estate sector for buyers, sellers, and listing agents. 

    How can digital marketing for real estate benefit buyers, sellers, and realtors?

    While every industry should adopt technology to attract new customers, some can achieve considerable heights through the help of professional digital marketing, and real estate is one of them! With fresh and exciting innovations, realtors are finding new ways to market properties and both sellers and buyers are loving the engagement that comes with this type of branded content.

    Here are some added benefits:

    • Digital marketing saves time and resources: Sellers can display their properties online which allows them to gain a further reach, whereas, buyers can take part in interactive tours, have face-to-face meetings, and read details about prospective properties before even stepping foot in them. 
    • Digital marketing raises the online visibility of real estate companies and listings: Achieving more website visitors is crucial for real estate and often using digital marketing to build up online traffic and increase customer service through informative blogs and social media posts are the best ways to build confidence, trust, and brand identity. 
    • Digital marketing boosts professionalism: Visualization tools (i.e., 360° modeling) are growing in the real estate industry, and if you want customers to remember your company, we recommend investing in this form of material. 

    What can the real estate industry do to improve its digital experiences in a booming market?

    Whether you’re looking to buy or sell a home or you’re the agent listing and showing properties, the scope of real estate is increasingly becoming more reliant on the internet as an external resource. 

    Those in the industry who want to reach and connect with potential buyers and sellers should consider the following digital marketing tips: 

    #1 – Share properties before they hit the market: In a thriving market, there will always be a lack of inventory, which is why it’s important to select an experienced agent that can find prospecting properties and potential buyers before hitting the open market. 

    #2 – Streamline communication with your clients: Communication is key in many buying-selling ventures, and in today’s fast-paced environment, timing is everything. Whether you choose to text, email, or call your client, understanding their preferred method of communication is what will lead to the most proactive relationships. 

    #3 – Allow clients to leave reviews: One way to improve current consumer engagement is by obtaining quality customer reviews. This can easily be done online by asking happy clients to leave a Google review or simply emailing a response that can be posted live to the website. 

    #4 – Educate your clients: While buyers can easily find properties at the click of a button, they still rely on you for advice and guidance. Use digital marketing to educate your current and prospective clients by creating FAQs sections on your website, as well as writing a fulfilling blog that can address common questions and concerns. 

    #5 – Always work on building your online presence: While you’re likely busy with the insane market, eventually housing will see a dip, and that’s when you can improve your authority through digital means. This means that you can continue to engage with clients via social media, organize ongoing marketing campaigns, and actively seek out new and improved ways to connect with your audience

    #6 – Invest in marketing automation: If you’re looking for an innovation that saves you time and improves your ability to add value to the consumer, you should consider marketing automation. Marketing automation allows you to create lead magnets that attract your client by setting up automated campaigns followed by initial interactions. This strategy allows you to program the type of property, area, and even price that your client is looking for and pool together properties as they become available. An email can then be sent out with some pre-scripted text to allow them to contact you if it’s a suitable fit. 

    Are there any ways that digital marketing and real estate tie together that we didn’t discuss? Please drop your opinions below.

    Valentine’s Day tips for last-minute implementers

    Do you have a good relationship with your target audience? Would you say you go together like search engine optimization and pay-per-click advertising? While most professional digital marketing services take time to generate ongoing growth and conversions there are some things that you can do last-minute to entice your customers to shop. Valentine’s Day is one of the most overlooked occasions when compared to other days like Black Friday or Christmas, and even if your product(s) and service(s) don’t scream romantic, you can ramp up some sales by following the tips we recommend below.

    Host a flash sale for your shoppers

    Since Valentines’ Day is the celebration of love, it’s a good idea to show your customers some love and appreciation during this time by offering them a great deal on your products and services. One of the best ways that you can do this as a business owner is by surprising them with a generous flash sale… because of course, everyone loves to save money! Since the following idea can be executed rather quickly by sending out a short, punchy email and otherwise promoting it through your existing social media channels, you can consider hosting a sale last-minute. The best part is that if you possess an overwhelming amount of inventory for a few particular items, a last-minute sale can also double down as an opportunity to unload products that aren’t selling as well on regular calendar days. Whether you just have a buy 2, get 1 free sale, a store-wide discount, or a featured sale on a product category, giving your customers a deal is a perfect incentive to inspire them to make a purchase and possibly even tune into other sales or promotions that are offered in the future. 

    Email your customers some personalized Valentine’s Day cards

    While we did mention above that emailing is a great way to connect with your audience last-minute, if you aren’t up to hosting a sale, but you still want to take advantage of this tactic, we recommend coordinating a cute email campaign allowing you to send out virtual Valentine’s Day cards. Your card should coordinate with your brand and include a punny poem or a letter of appreciation to your customers, and if you’re feeling edgy, you can include a shop now button in there as well. This takes a lot of hassle out of putting a lot of work into your website and it shows your customers that you’re fun and not just sales-focused. 

    Create a quick landing page dedicated to themes of the holiday

    Landing pages, also known as lead capture pages or destination pages, are a great way to promote Valentine’s Day specials, and since the holiday is geared towards buying gifts for your loved ones, they can be extra beneficial when created specifically to target your audience and draw in shoppers. Now, if you don’t possess the knowledge of how to coordinate a strategy that targets a certain search engine optimization search result, don’t worry. As a professional digital marketing company, we have the skills and experience to market your promotion using industry-relevant key terms and phrases. 

    Last-minute doesn’t mean you have to tap out! How are you planning to orchestrate something for your company this Valentine’s Day?