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    How to digitally market for the real estate industry

    niche digital marketing

    The doggone days of campaigning are slowly coming to end as more and more real estate companies have turned to digital marketing as a way to sell homes and acquire new clients. While the real estate industry requires some niche digital marketing strategies in order to successfully approach their audience, the efforts of direct mail, radio and TV have been squashed, allowing them a better means of directly identifying with their targeted audience. So, as real estate shifts to the world of social media marketing, emailed newsletters and informative blog posting, it’s important to know how to navigate your way through the transition. 

    Establish your businesses niche

    Both inquiring, first-time buyers and excited, focused sellers, need a real estate company that possesses the right expertise and knowledge pertaining to specific neighbourhoods, properties and prices. That’s why you should operate within a specialized niche, catering your judgment and experience towards the market that you know best. For example, you could focus on highlighting the apartment living lifestyle as your focal area of expertise. This means that you will cater to young professionals who likely have a higher yearly income and can afford to live in the city. Keep in mind that it’s still beneficial to have experience with a wide range of age demographics and property prices, just remember to separate each target audience and cater your digital marketing campaigns to reach and connect with them individually.  

    Craft an intuitive website 

    The best part about partaking in niche digital marketing is that you’ll be able to target your efforts to reach the right audience. As an important step, it’s always recommended to have a website that’s mobile optimized and easily navigable with the functionality and search engine optimization (SEO) techniques utilized to help draw in prospecting clients. Keep in mind that a contact form works as a great call-to-action and an assortment of images (especially of homes you have sold or are selling) is advantageous in evoking a connection. Also, ensure that all the properties of the website, including listings and blogs, are easily shareable to social media. 

    Promote on social media 

    When it comes to promoting your business it’s incredibly important to build a strong social presence. Developing a Facebook page, Instagram profile and Pinterest Board will allow you to share pictures and videos of the real estate properties. You will also be able to utilize your assortment of social channels to share tips for both buyers and sellers, as well as highlight hot spots to encourage your stream of content to become more shareable among your followers. That being said, if you’re able to put some of your marketing budgets aside, you can work with a digital marketing agency to facilitate your budget into powerful, social advertisements. 

    Create some video content

    An impressive, dynamic video is a perfect storyteller. Allowing the information to smoothly flow in a way that’s more digestible and easier to understand. This is why the real estate industry has started to use video to advertise their brand and seek viewer attention. Live content taps into our physiological motivators and in the grand scale of things, is fairly effortless to carry out. Use your channels with a video stream to showcase the scope of your properties and perhaps do short, informative videos answering frequently asked questions. This will help you to develop a trusting, online reputation. 

    Are there any other niche digital marketing methods that would be beneficial in the real estate business? Drop a comment below to share your opinion.