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    Should Emoji Marketing Be a Part of Your Digital Marketing Strategy?

    emoji marketing

    Many businesses are experimenting with emoji marketing and it’s quickly changing the way we communicate in terms of modern language. These small icons and images are an innovative form of digital communication that has the ability to embellish emotion through various social media platforms. Studies suggest that 92% of internet users are already on-board with using emojis, with many companies, including Google, Apple and Android, creating their own emojis to keep up with the hype and popularity. So, let’s find out how can you use them to optimize your digital marketing strategy?

    Emojis work great within marketing messages

    Since so many internet goers are speaking to each other through the use of emojis, it only makes sense for businesses to address their audience using the same language.

    Humans are visual creatures and many of us understand images easier than words. In fact, some studies suggest that “people only remember 10% of what they hear and 20% of what they read, but about 80% of what they see and do” becomes stored, memorable information. So, in terms of marketing, roughly 10% to 20% of your written marketing messages are actually able to transform into sales. While you could be using emojis, paired with vibrant imagery, to cue a more impressive impact.

    Emojis are attention-grabbers

    While emoji marketing allows you to communicate a ton of meaning and emotion using a few simple symbols, it also acts as a means to grab your audience’s attention. Through the clever use of relevant images, designs and figures you’re able to leave a lasting impression with your consumers as well as embellish your brand’s personality through an effective way of relevant communication.

    How do you use emojis in your marketing strategy?

    A single emoji has the power to communicate a lot. They open the message to be read using a particular voice and allow the business owner to keep things brief when they’re attempting to convey a particular message. But how exactly are marketers and businesses using emoji marketing?

    • Emojis in links: If you’re wanting to add an emoji into a link or shortened website URL you will need to code it that way in order to develop compatibility with various browsers and operating systems.
    • Emojis in social media: It’s important to keep your social media posts rather short and to the point when you’re trying to attract customer attention. That’s where emojis are great because instead of typing a word like pizza, you can simplify the message and leave 🍕 instead.

    When should you avoid emoji marketing?

    While we’ve established that emojis are great when you’re wanting to simplify a meaning behind your message or grab the attention of the consumer, there is still a way that business owners and marketers can get carried away with emojis. For example, if you’re writing out your entire message only using emojis, it can quickly become very difficult and distracting for your audience. In order to avoid any break in communication, stick with three emojis or less when you’re writing a social media post.

    If you’re wanting some help incorporating emoji marketing into your social media strategy, then you should seek help from a digital marketing team that specializes in managing social media content.

    How do you plan to utilize emoji marketing in your digital marketing strategy? Tell us in the comments section below.

    What is social media optimization and how can your business benefit from it?

    social media optimization

    The realm of social media is innovatively thriving faster than ever before with a massive increase in the number of people sharing their lives with the world through socially connected platforms. Businesses are also thriving through these digital platforms by means of increased online engagement. These e-commerce brands are using digital marketing to their advantage by socially connecting themselves to new and existing customers. How are they boosting their company’s online reputation you ask? Well, through social media optimization of course!

    What Is Social Media Optimization?

    When you maximize your online reach through the use of a number of techniques and strategies across multiple social outlets, you’re utilizing social media optimization. Digital marketing companies and business owners use this social media marketing tactic to promote awareness of a brand or service across various social channels. The content is meant to be enticing enough to advertise and attract people to a particular business site. 

    Why Is Social Media Optimization Important?

    This powerful digital marketing tool helps your business by:

    • Building a strong web presence: Your business needs to develop an online identity in order for customers to know and trust your brand. Social media optimization allows you to establish authority within your niche and gives you the visibility you need to find your target audience.
    • Increases your reach: In order for your company to gain new traction in the business world, your business needs to connect with the right people. Social media is an excellent way to build a relationship with customers that are like-minded and enjoy elements that your brand has to offer.
    • Drives traffic: For the most part, social media optimization is cheap, and with the right strategies in place, it will help generate the traffic back to your website. Also, people who are engaging with your social feeds are more likely to head over to your website and make a purchase.

    How can you excel with social media optimization?

    As a business owner, you’re often faced with many other time-consuming tasks that take priority over a social media strategy. That’s why hiring a social media manager is so important. They will take the time to research your audience and develop a campaign that will work for your business by effectively executing your brand’s voice across your social channels. Since not all platforms are equal in terms of their ability to spread the word, a social media manager will study these networks and determine where the customers in your product market are doing their shopping. Not to mention, innovative content has the power to generate a larger audience. If you rely on a professional to contrive intuitive content for your social channels, you can rest assured knowing that your promotion is gaining momentum because of a dedicated marketing team.

    How else can a business benefit from social media optimization? Tell us in the comments section below.

    What are some benefits of quality blog writing?

    content writing

    The modern-day realism is that everyone and everything is constantly competing for attention, which is why getting noticed is incredibly important for an e-commerce business owner. Although you might consider blogging to be an old fashion marketing tool, it’s an incredible way to spread awareness about your brand. Blogs not only improve your search engine optimization (SEO), the driving force behind your website, but it also breathes a fresh look of professionalism, leading-edge knowledge and reliability. If you’re ready to create compelling, educated content writing, then it’s about time to break down the elements that go into crafting a quality blog.

    Focus on boosting your SEO

    The likelihood of potential customers finding and reading your content is entirely dependent on your ability to use relevant keywords in your content writing. When you optimize your blogs, your digital marketing efforts extend beyond a small audience. How does this work you ask? Well, many internet goers are often searching for information, such as how to do something or reviews on a particular, high-ranked product. Blogging about these fields, using strong, credible keywords, allow potential buyers to find your content writing and empower them to read and fill their gap in knowledge.

    Focus on building trust

    Blog about what you know. If you don’t know it, research it, and then blog about it anyways. Your content writing establishes your credibility and allows you to assert a leadership role within your industry. In due time, readers will rely on your blog as a knowledgeable, trustful resource for information.

    Focus on sharing your content

    Content creation goes hand-in-hand with social media marketing. Once you’re happy with the blog post that you’ve crafted, share it throughout your various social media platforms. After all, the more you spread the word in the world of digital marketing, the more people you’re able to entice people to buy.

    Focus on establishing a following online

    When you put effort into your business, it shows. By crafting engaging content, and attracting loyal readers through the use of social media, you’re able to boost your brand and further extend the reach of your audience. It’s important to establish which social platforms work well for sharing your written content in order to optimize your chances of increasing in popularity.

    Focus on building a community

    Once you gain comfort in your writing, build up your reading community by establishing a blogging schedule. Whether you aim to write a blog post a week, it’s important to remain consistent and dependable. Perhaps consider choosing a day each week to publish your content so that your readers are able to check weekly and read up on some interesting facts.

    Although blogging is a powerful digital marketing tool, not everyone has the means or ability to maintain a quality blog. In order to boost your website’s influence and engagement among potential customers, considering hiring a professional marketing team to run an engaging blog for you.

    Are there any other benefits of content writing that we’ve missed? Tell us in the comments section below.

    How do you create a social listening strategy?

    social listening

    Social media has the power to influence the world around us. Whether it’s our every day relationships, longstanding education or our enhanced shopping experiences, for the most part, we solidify these social connections by the way we choose to communicate through our social channels. But, before the widespread fame of social media, marketers heavily relied on television, radio stations or billboard advertising to get the word out about the benefits and advantages of their products and services. With the steady progress of technology and the hands-on accessibility of the internet, social media has drastically changed our world and the world of marketing. So, if you’re seeking a better way to understand your customers or simply want to engage, then perhaps you should consider diving in and creating a social listening strategy.

    What is social listening?

    Social listening is the process of listening to the online conversations of customers and potential buyers. Primarily done through the use of social media, this practice allows a business owner, or digital marketing firm, to be able to collect valuable data revolving around specific topics related to their industry niche, and even brands, services and products.

    How does social listening differ from monitoring?

    Since these two terms are often compared in the digital marketing sphere, we thought that we would break down the barriers that differ between them.

    While, you’re somewhat familiar with social listening, social monitoring is simply the process of watching for @mentions and comments that pour into your social media channels, mobile apps and blogs. Although it’s important to be aware that not all the conversations are relevant to your brand will appear within your notifications, so you’ll need to be diligent with your digging.

    On the other hand, social listening dives much deeper by tracking relevant keywords, phrases, events and organizations that are implemented within your social strategy in order to actively find all the relevant conversations that are able to provide insight, meaning or context to your brand and niche.

    What are some advantages of social listening?

    Let’s consider the data that social listening has the ability to provide you with.

    Social measurement: Successful social media marketing involves a little bit of trial and error. In order to drive your success, you must first determine the tactics that work for your company. Social listening can help point you in the right direction so that not too much time will be wasted determining tactics that are already working in your niche.

    Content marketing: Most of your success as a business owner will rely on your ability to deliver content to your consumers. Whether it’s your scholarly product descriptions or some guided insights into your service, powerful words can really resonate with your audience. Social listening can provide further insight into what topics your consumers are discussing, which allows your to deliver content that outlines points, concerns and questions before even having to be asked.

    Generates leads: Social listening allows you to boost your lead generation because your organization is constantly tracking relevant industry conversations. Once your team has executed their social listening strategy effectively, they have the potential to uncover new clients through the use of these interactions.

    Competitive analysis: Social listening allows you to gain perspective on the insights on your own company, while also allowing you to maintain tabs on the competition around you. Find out what your competitors are doing well and make a plan to executive it even better.

    Customer service: If you have a person who is in charge of your social listening maintenance, then your organization will constantly be on top of its customer service. Tracking conversations allows you to provide incredible customer service by combating problems in a timely, appropriate manner and offering helpful responses to your customer’s questions. This helps build trust and loyalty that extends far beyond your brand and has the ability to assert your position as a leader in your industry.

    How do you get started?

    It sounds super easy, right? Well, here’s how you can get started on your social listening strategy.

    • Define your goals
    • Develop a keyword strategy
    • Invest in the right tools
    • Take action

    If you need a better understanding of social listening or need any help get started, contact a professional digital marketing agency to help point you in the right direction or simply handle all the elements on your behalf.

    Do you have any other questions about social listening? Ask us in the comments section below.


    3 Reasons to Never Overlook the Power of Email Marketing During the Holiday Season

    email marketing

    Email marketing is incredibly advantageous around the holidays. In a technological age where almost everyone is connected to a device on a daily basis, emails have the power to spread the word to your target audience much quicker than any non-digital marketing strategy. While email marketing can sometimes overwhelm potential customers, it also has the ability to allure them with impressive sales and convincing bylines. So, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and email your customers about your boxing day sale or the start of a 2019 promotion.

    If our little introductory paragraph wasn’t convincing enough to get you on-board, here are a few reasons that should have you head-over-heels for email marketing.

    Portable email inboxes

    With the development of smartphones and the forceful inclusion of data on most phone plans, people have their email inboxes where ever they go. This is a beautiful thing for e-commerce business owners who are trying to market new products and services or an upcoming sale. No one is ever truly offline.

    Combine marketing strategies

    While email marketing is effective on its own, combining your efforts with other digital marketing strategies, such as social media marketing or content marketing, can make your digital marketing strategy much more effective. If you don’t have the time to manage all of your campaigns, hiring a professional to do it for you can really help take the load of and allow you to dedicate your time to different areas of your business.

    Emails build relationships

    Email marketing is a very reliable way to reach potential shoppers during a time of year where everyone is scrambling to fulfill a shopping list. This is because people have opted to receive your newsletters to let them know about anything important that’s going on within your company. While posting to Facebook is a great tool as well, not every follower will actually see your all of your posted content. In comparison, emails are sent directly to the inbox of every person that is subscribed which is a much easier way to build trust within your customers and get the word out there about the fantastic products or services you have that gift receivers would love to get as a gift during the holidays.

    Do you know any other benefits of doing email marketing? Tell us in the comments section below.


    How do you market a pet business?

     marketing a niche business

    As an e-commerce business owner you’ve probably learnt a lot about the everyday struggles, advantages and disadvantages of certain marketing techniques, but have you gained any insight into marketing a niche business? Like many niche businesses, pet e-commerce websites have their own set of marketing strategies, content techniques and a range of business decisions that have the ability to benefit and grow their business. That being said, since there are never enough hours in the day, we’ve crafted a few helpful suggestions to help you with marketing your pet business.

    Review and update your webpage

    When was the last time that you scrolled through your website and refreshed the information available on it? Sometimes a simply rewrite of your biography, a couple new photos and an update to your personal information will go a long way in attracting new, prospective customers.

    Review your marketing strategy

    Creating an effective marketing strategy for a pet business doesn’t need to be a tedious task… all it takes is a little imagination, a few set-in-stone goals and the attitude to see it through. Start by figuring out a few achievable goals to focus your energy on. Next, figure out how to reach your ideal audience — maybe you’re not on the right social media network? Lastly, figure out your business strengths and focus on how you can use them to capitalize the revenue of your pet business.

    Pre-schedule your social media posts

    Social media has the power to reach a vast group of people in a very short period of time. So, it would be silly not to utilizate as many platforms as you can manage when you’re marketing a niche business. Promote your business using a combination of memes, videos, pictures, quotes and customized texts that promote sales or special offers. Then pre-schedule it to ensure that you keep an active presence online without allowing social media to take over your probably already busy business schedule.

    Encourage customer reviews

    Testimonials have the ability to skyrocket the success of any e-commerce business. When pet parents are deciding where they want to make their purchases, they will often read customer reviews to find out more about a product or service. Since trust is one of the most important factors, especially for a pet service provider, a glowing review on your webpage or social media channels will really help potential customers find their way to your online shopping cart checkout.

    Try sending newsletters

    Email marketing is one of the best ways to use your marketing budget. Sending out newsletters allows you to promote new products and sales, stay in touch with your customers and offer your supporters special, exclusive promotions. Regular, bi-monthly newsletters that are well-written, catchy and concise will show your customers that you’re dedicated to providing them great service.

    If you need help with any of the marketing techniques above, it’s best to contact a professional that can get you started on your marketing journey.

    Do you have any other questions about marketing a niche business? Let us know all about it in the comments section below.